

联系: 董先生

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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心收购名人字画告诉您如何保存名人字画


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2017-08-17

First, in order to prevent celebrity painting mildew, moth eaten, can be disinfected. A method is used for fumigation disinfection, insecticide, the other is the anti mildew sterilization mediums in famous paintings, the effect is also very good.
Two, the acquisition of celebrity calligraphy and painting, Xiaobian said celebrity paintings in storage, should pay attention to moisture, light, dust. Keep proper temperature and humidity in the storage room. The intensity of the lights should be controlled, and the treasures of paintings and calligraphy are best placed in the middle of the pouch.

Three, if celebrity paintings are dirt, ink, grease and other dirty, to be cleaned. In general, remove the dirty matter gently with a soft brush or brush. If the stain is serious, local wet cleaning, use a cotton ball or a brush dipped in some detergent, wipe the stain, and always with blotting paper suck liquid cleaning agent finally with water dipping residue, operation caution to avoid damaging the painting.
Do not use a hand of four, when in direct contact with the celebrity calligraphy and painting works, should wear gloves to avoid perspiration pollution and celebrity calligraphy fingernails. When you admire celebrity paintings, avoid direct sunlight. Celebrity painting, opening, winding, can not be too hard. If there is a crease, spray some water on the back of the famous painting and calligraphy to damp it. Then paste it on the glass to dry or iron it with a low temperature iron. The crease can be removed.
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