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您现在的位置:首页 > 新闻中心书法的艺术和审美都是什么


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2024-01-25


  The History and Aesthetics of Calligraphy Art


  1、 To establish a correct perspective on copying, attention should be paid to the following issues


  1. Copying is a means, not an end. The purpose of copying ancient Chinese calligraphy is to master the basic norms of calligraphy, rather than copying or repeating ancient people. Therefore, copying must have a process of entry and exit, and cannot blindly follow the past and remain unchanged.


  2. Copying calligraphy focuses on exploring brushwork rather than depicting appearance. The purpose of copying is to understand the rules of its brushwork and the reasons behind it, and to grasp the general situation from an individual perspective, rather than mechanically tracing its shape. The brushstroke technique is incorrect, even if the strokes are drawn very realistically, it is not conducive to mastering the calligraphy strokes and rules.


  3. The purpose of copying is to master the brushwork, not to describe the appearance, which does not mean that the imitator can freely play. On the contrary, in order for the calligraphers to accurately master the brushwork skills, it is also necessary to establish a "similarity in form" based on the correct method. Only under the premise of the unity of "correct method" and "form and spirit Bi Xiao", can the imitator truly delve into the "deep sea" of brushwork, explore the subtle aspects of brushwork, and thus truly master a calligraphy template or the strengths of a calligrapher in brushwork development. Therefore, copying opposes the trend of not emphasizing methods, but adheres to the premise of correct methods and the spirit and form of Bi Xiao.20230921014620635.png


  2、 The Relationship between Calligraphy and Literature


  Calligraphy and literature are both expressions of life's passion. Although they belong to different artistic categories, they are closely related in spirit and expression. The smooth flow of literary emotions can promote the wonderful sound of literary thought; The elegance of literary thought can also drive the soaring of literary meaning.


  3、 The implied ecological form and structure of calligraphy


  The cultural ecological form of calligraphy art consists of the following levels: (1) the semantic layer of characters; (2) Pen and ink appearance layer (dot drawing posture, structural style); (3) Ink like layer (muscles, flesh, blood, spiritual temperament); (4) Historical and cultural level (moral and ethical aspects of character).


  This article is supported by Jinan's acquisition of calligraphy and painting technology. For more detailed and exciting content, please click on our website http://www.jinandayatang.com We will wholeheartedly provide you with satisfactory service.