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您现在的位置:首页 > 拍卖资讯关于名人字画要不要裱的分析


来源:http://www.jinandayatang.com 发布时间:2022-10-27

Should celebrities' calligraphy and paintings be mounted? Many people will have questions about this. Some people say that the price of calligraphy and painting will drop if they are mounted, and that the calligraphy and painting will be worthless if they are mounted. Is this really the case? Shandong acquired celebrity calligraphy and painting personnel to analyze for you.
As the saying goes, "Paper has a long life, while silk has a long life." But this is a prerequisite, and can only be achieved if it is properly preserved. In order to keep famous people's calligraphy and paintings for a longer time, and to withstand the ravages of time, the mounting process came into being.
To put it simply, celebrity calligraphy and painting mounting is to attach the calligraphy and painting works written and painted by celebrities with rice paper, silk, silk, Song brocade and other mounting materials and then stick them together with paste made of natural flour to achieve the purpose of good display, protection and collection. Good calligraphy and painting mounting pieces are characterized by beautiful shape, straightness, softness and long storage life.
Here, we need to give you a scientific introduction. With the development of modern science and technology, calligraphy and painting mounting technology can be divided into two types: one is manual mounting, that is, manual mounting, and the other is machine mounting, referred to as machine mounting.
In fact, the art of mounting appeared as early as the Jin Dynasty. After the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and even the modern times, generations of experts emerged, and gradually divided into different schools and styles. There are still Yang Gang, Su Gang and Ben Gang in modern times.
The traditional mounting technology is manual mounting. The quality of mounting technology determines the ornamental value of a famous painting and calligraphy work and whether it can be preserved for a long time. Mounting calligraphy and painting is like dressing calligraphy and painting.
Calligraphy and painting are mostly painted or written on rice paper, while some calligraphy and painting works use fragile bamboo paper or thin cotton paper, or cooked paper, cooked silk and other paper types with too large alum. These materials cannot be naturally preserved for a long time, so they need to be mounted in time, that is, they need to be dressed, otherwise they have a high probability of being damaged.
The craftsmanship of the mounting master is also divided into different levels. It is self-evident that the requirements for each process in the whole process are strict to complete the mounting of a high-quality celebrity painting. As a framer, you need to have good cultural accomplishment, artistic aesthetics, sensitive perception and exquisite mounting skills.
If you use the traditional mounting method, you can also re mount the painting without damaging it. However, if you use the machine mounting, the shelf life of the painting is worrying. Therefore, you must make a good choice when mounting famous artists' calligraphy and paintings, especially precious calligraphy and paintings. Follow us http://www.jinandayatang.com , take you to learn more about celebrity calligraphy and painting!